
No need to register or enter any info
  • No emails, no phone numbers
  • No access to user device’s data (like address book or location)
  • Your IP is hidden for interlocutors
  • Privacy and top-level encryption
  • Tor-enabled Messenger and Website for maximum anonymity

Decentralized and Blockchain-powered

Privacy and Security—in Ideology itself
Decentralized messenger is independent from governments, corporations, and developers. ADAMANT blockchain belongs to users. Nobody can control, block, deactivate, restrict or censor accounts. All messages are encrypted with Diffie-Hellman Curve25519, Salsa20, Poly1305 algorythms and signed by SHA-256 + Ed25519 EdDSA. Private keys never leave your device. The sequence of messages and their authenticity is guaranteed by the blockchain. See full list of Security Features

Easy Crypto Wallet

Access crypto World in a second
Create multi-currency wallet in just a click. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Lisk, Dogecoin, Dash, Stably Dollar. So easy: one passphrase for all-in-one access. Full control—you own private keys.

Transfer Crypto in chats

Only you have private keys
Receive and make payments directly while communicating. Willing to make a transfer to relatives? Or are you selling an old laptop? May be you provide anonymous medical advice?—BTC, ETH, ADM, USDS, DASH, BNB, DOGE and LSK are already supported, and the list will be expanded.

Crypto Chatbots

Blockchain opens new horizons
Bots exchange cryptocurrency, accept bets and even play Blackjack. All payments and messages are verified in blockchain. Look for examples of bots or create your own.

Multiple anonymous Crypto Exchanges

Decentralized. Anonymous. Reliable. Instant.
The goal is a distributed system of anonymous exchanges. You can be an exchange holder and make a profit out of fees, or you can become an exchange user and enjoy its convenience and service. Crypto projects are welcome to make partnership — your token can be stored and transferred in chat rooms, as well as anonymously buy and sell.

Crypto rates Betting on Blockchain

Anonymous and Blockchain-proved bets
Betting on crypto currencies available to everyone. Place bets or create your own totaliser — choose crypto and type of bets, and earn on fees


We use GPLv3 license for ADAMANT
Feel free to deploy packages and revise the Code—including Blockchain node, communication protocol and client messenger apps. You have reasons to trust ADAMANT

Perfect 2FA solution

Two-factor authentication on a Blockchain

Much more secure, reliable, accessible and cheaper than ever. Have a look at use-cases and connect to your service.

Blockchain 2FA Website


Reliable service for notifications
Each notification delivery is validated in Blockchain. Infinite storage time and immutability for notifications. Perfect security. —That’s why we recommend ADAMANT Messenger to deliver notifications to your users

Fair dPoS

True decentralization is here
ADAMANT offers Fast and true Decentralized messaging due to brand new Fair Delegate System. It allows to join forging blocks with relatively low investments, and active delegate list is dynamically reordered

Available everywhere

We provide a Progressive Web App
No need to install anything—use any modern browser on your smartphone, tablet or desktop to start messaging! #Apps are also available on Google Play and App Store, and installable on Windows, Linux & macOS.


Private blockchain for companies

We want every small group own their private blockchain—Free license · Easier, than others · Private token · Messenger and crypto wallet · You own data and messages.

ADAMANT Business Website